Investment system for renewables objects use generating

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Publicado en 3C Tecnología – Volumen 9 Número 1 (Edición 33)



In this article single legal questions of investment into creating the objects of generation based on renewables are considered. The issues connected with lack of terminological unity in the regulations regulating this sphere are touched; the noncompetitive environment of realization of the relations under the contract of power delivery; the contract subject blurring, lack of the proprietary relations description evolving from RES owing to creating new objects of generation. The relations system of investment for renewables use is considered as a complex of the legal means organized in the most consecutive way for creating objects of generation and obtaining by sellers the right for sale of electric energy and power in the wholesale market. In this regard, features of the parties and subject of the contract of power delivery were studied.


Palabras clave

Investments into power industry, Subjects of the wholesale market, The regulator of the power industry market on the basis of RES use, Generation of electric energy on the basis of renewables use, Contract of power delivery, Subject of the contract about granting power.

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