IoT based fluid management automation system using Raspberry Pi and ultrasonic sensors

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Publicado en 3C Tecnología. Edición Especial/Special Issue – Abril/April 2020



Water crises is one of the most important problem of current era, as a huge amount of water wasted every year especially in residential and industrial. Improper timings and extensive electric consumption are one of the hectic issues faced by the society. We have successfully created a Kivy application for the user in which they can control the fluid wastage problem with the integration of hardware that includes (Microcontrollers, Ultrasonic sensors, Relay shield, node MCU 8266, and contactor). Through the help of our designed application, user can control: Water level status, Motor accessibility (on/off), status of water consumption, message alert facility of fluid. In future work, we focus to enhance the water model and will try to promote it to immense water plants as well as it can be adopted by agriculture sectors.


Palabras clave

Crises Extensive, Kivy, Relay Shield, Consumption, Accessibilities, Immense.

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