Strategic management model to promote competitiveness in tourism companies in Cañete

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Publicado en 3C Empresa. Edición Especial/Special Issue – Enero/January 2021



Today’s tourism environment is increasingly competitive, so strategic management is a fundamental process that every company must implement to evaluate the business, define goals, develop strategies and identify resources for their realization. Due to the pandemic, the tourism sector is facing new challenges to stay in the market. Therefore, we propose a strategic management model to improve the competitiveness of tourism companies. We used the survey technique to collect information regarding the variables strategic management and competitiveness with its dimensions change management, staff training, service quality, differentiation and technology management, which was addressed to 20 managers in the sector resulting in a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.823. The results show that 60% of managers indicate that the change management capacity of their companies is regular. The results show that 60% of managers indicate that the change management capacity of their companies is regular. 55% indicate that the training of tourism personnel is regular, 60% express that the differentiation strategy of their company is bad. These results reflect that Cañete tourism companies must implement strategic management for the development of productive capacities for their organizations, improving competitiveness through new products, services and processes.


Palabras clave

Strategic Management, Competitiveness, Tourism companies, Model.

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