Arduino y el Internet de las cosas


This Arduino text and the internet of things, will help your readers to conceptualize basic definitions that allow to strengthen the learning and knowledge of the importance that Arduino has in the internet of things.

The topics considered in the development of the text have been referenced by
different sources, and selected thanks to various experiences acquired
during the development of the Chair of Microprocessors at the Technical University
of Machala.

The text consists of two chapters, which have been divided for the purpose of
improve the reader's learning; the first chapter deals with the Introduction to
Arduino and the Internet of things; and the second chapter covers the practices of
Arduino oriented to the internet of things.


Johnny Novillo-Vicuña
Dixys Hernández Rojas
Bertha Mazón Olivo
Jimmy Molina Ríos
Oscar Cárdenas Villavicencio
