Curso de matemática básica para ingresar a carreras universitarias. Tomo I


Research related to the teaching-learning process of the subject Mathematics, show, with concrete examples, that there is an important gap between the mathematics that are explained in school and those that people do in their daily lives. The existence of this gap is one of the reasons that explain the negative attitudes that many people develop towards mathematics.

The authors of this valuable work, with enough experience as active teachers in the different subsystems of Education, say Middle Level, Upper Middle, Adult Education and in Higher Education, have devoted considerable efforts to making teaching and learning Mathematics, a manipulable process. In this context, they have seen the need to extend the framework of Mathematics as part of the culture to theoretical-practical positions, as a more synthetic expression of the integration and interaction of its content, as well as the need to deepen the logical rigor, in the understanding, without contrasting this to the operative and manipulative aspects of the mathematical content.

In this direction, we propose this course of Basic Mathematics, based on Volumes I and II of Elements of Basic Mathematics for university careers, with a didactic approach, clear, precise, direct, unambiguous language, with various examples solved and proposed exercises that they will allow the identification of the evolutionary transition of the students with a lasting learning and, consequently, to diminish the dropout or the abandonment of the studies considering that the Mathematics subject constitutes a barrier.



