Especies exóticas invasoras y su incidencia en plantas arbóreas y aves marinas de la Isla de La Plata

The conception of the world constitutes a system of points of view and representations about nature, society and thought; it is constituted by philosophical, political, social, ethical, aesthetic, scientific, legal and other ideas and concepts about objective reality. Because of this, it constitutes a powerful instrument.

The basis of the scientific conception of the world is the system of scientific knowledge, not as a simple sum of these, but interrelated with the essential motives of personality, which are carriers of an emotional charge, which is expressed in the reflections product of the personal development of the subject; These personal elaborations manifest themselves as convictions and, in general, in the attitude of man towards the world. The work that is presented has among its objective the formation of scientific knowledge, as well as the formation of the scientific conception of the world.

Biology favors scientific-technical and polytechnic-labor education, by developing skills and abilities for biological work and its application in production and life, of importance in vocational training and professional orientation. It allows students to relate to the work deeds of men, who subordinate their activity to the interests of society.

Biological knowledge, in general, offers multiple possibilities to highlight the justness of moral principles, the responsibility of man for the protection of flora and fauna and the biosocial nature of human reproduction.

In this sense, the discipline must contribute to the sexual education of children and young people on an authentically scientific basis, in correspondence with moral values. It establishes a clear, precise, close and enjoyable language that, without losing scientific rigor, allows teachers to appropriate the necessary theoretical-conceptual base through the figures and tables. We hope that the work contributes to strengthen the theoretical model of the biology discipline in general polytechnic and labor education. We would appreciate all the contributions that you can make us, in turn, to improve this didactic tool.