Experiencia de los cuidadores familiares de pacientes con trastorno límite de la personalidad

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental illness that is characterized by presenting a general pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, in the image of oneself and in affectivity, and a remarkable impulsiveness affecting a person 1 -2% of the population. Its etiological factors compress a series of biological, psychological and social agents. After the psychiatric reform in Spain, what has been called shared care of the patient appears, and these patients have come to live together and be cared for in the community, in the family nucleus. Caregivers face an extremely arduous and damaging activity, which affects them in all spheres of their lives to a greater degree than that observed in caregivers of other serious mental disorders. The caregivers experience a great overload in their role, affliction and impacts on their psychological well-being, an affectation of their relationships, especially family relationships. The caregiver feels isolated from the community, without counting on supports or resources that sustain him and abandon him for a health system that does not recognize him.


The author

