Hidráulica aplicada para ingenieros civiles


The purpose of this book is to make known the importance of HYDRAULICS and its
relationship with the HYDROLOGY, in a sequence of calculations in the systems topics
of networks, pump selection, drainage works (bridges and culverts), with a
Introduction about the subject of hydraulics based on its fundamentals
theoretical, such as: "Hydraulics is the science that is part of physics and includes
the transmission and regulation of forces and movements by means of liquids ".

When you hear the word "hydraulics" you have to stress the concept that
is the transformation of energy, whether mechanical or electrical in hydraulic
to obtain a benefit in terms of mechanical energy at the end of the process.
Etymologically, the hydraulic word comes from the Greek Hydraulikos, which in the
Latin the adjective is Hydraulicus -a-um, which refers to machines that are
driven by the action of water energy. Some specialists who do not employ
water as a means of transmitting energy, but oil, establish the following
terms for their differentiation: Oleodynamics, Oil hydraulics or Oleolic.
