SNAIL, Una metodología híbrida para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web

This book describes a guide for those people interested in applying a
hybrid methodology for the development of web sites, which goes hand in hand with
Software engineering for the development of good practices. Which arises
as a result of the analysis and fusion of current methodologies and that will be a
stable base for implementation in the development of a website. The process of
Software development is a task that requires effort, dedication, organization
and discipline. Nowadays, software development specialists have a
No number of options regarding methodologies, and your choice will be according to
to variables such as available resources, type, project size and mainly
if it conforms to the general development objectives. One of the areas with greater
growth in recent years has been the development of web software, due to
that the real benefits for both companies and customers occur
when the former are able to completely integrate their system, with a good
structure and fulfilling efficiently.


Jimmy Rolando Molina Ríos
Mariuxi Paola Zea Ordóñez
Fausto Fabián Redrován Castillo
Nancy Magaly Loja Mora
Milton Rafael Valarezo Pardo
Joofre Antonio Honores Tapia
