Valoración del estado nutricional de pacientes afectos de insuficiencia cardiaca y la posible relación entre la situación nutricional y el desarrollo y pronóstico de esta enfermedad

Heart failure (HF) is a complex and progressive syndrome, with a limited prognosis and whose end, very frequently, includes the state of cachexia. In recent years, cardiovascular diseases have been one of the main causes of hospitalization and within them the CI. Both hygienic-dietetic measures and pharmacological interventions have proved to be very useful, achieving a decrease in the number of admissions and an improvement in their quality of life.

There are multiple factors associated with the development and progression of this disease, among which, we find dietary intake and nutritional status.


Miriam Jiménez Fernández
Norberto Herrera Gómez
Vicente F. Alcalde Martínez
