Violencia de género en la tercera edad

We are going to focus on gender violence in the elderly, but its definition does not have an age range. Gender violence is defined in Article 1 of the Organic Law 1/2004 of December 28, on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence, such as, “as a manifestation of discrimination, the situation of inequality and power relations of men over women, is exercised over them by those who are or have been their spouses or who are or have been linked to them by similar relationships of affectivity, even without coexistence, “and” includes any act of physical and psychological violence, including assaults on sexual freedom, threats, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty”.


Autora principal
Úrsula Benito González

Autoras de capítulo
Azahara Rodríguez González
Mónica Fernández Curiel
María de los Ángeles González de la Médica
