3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
Oswaldo Alfaro Bernedo
National University Federico Villarreal, (Perú).
E-mail: oalfaro@unfv.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9803-5986
Doris Esenarro
National University Federico Villarreal, (Perú).
E-mail: desenarro@unfv.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7186-9614
Ciro Rodriguez
National University Mayor de San Marcos, (Perú).
E-mail: crodriguezro@unmsm.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2112-1349
Maria Rene Alfaro
National University Federico Villarreal, (Perú).
E-mail: mralfaro@unfv.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4601-6748
Citación sugerida Suggested citation
Alfaro, O., Esenarro, D., Rodriguez, C., y Rene, M. (2020). The balanced scorecard (BSC) as a support
to the CMMI-DEV constellation SCAMPI for the recognition of the maturity of the software process.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. Edición Especial, Noviembre 2020, 33-49. https://doi.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
This research tries to establish the degree of inuence exerted by the design and use of
a Balanced Scorecard (BSC), as a support to the Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for
Process Improvement SCAMPI of the CMMI-DEV constellation, in recognition of the
level of maturity of the software process, due to the eciency and eectiveness provided
by its application in practical life. In addition, it uses the Systemic Approach to conceive
the problem comprehensively, under a holistic perspective, covering the relationships of
each element within the system and its relationships with external agents; the applied
methodology consists in the collection, tabulation, and analysis of the antecedents that
have been obtained for its direct validation during development, that is, the management of
cause-eect variables, where the independent or experimental variable is of interest to the
researcher because the variable that is hypothesized (X), is one of the causes that produce
the supposed eect. As a result of the eectiveness of the SCAMPI evaluation process,
going from 72.7% to 92.7%; This is equivalent to a 26.4% improvement in performance,
increasing from 10.9 correct evaluations to 13.9 for conducting such evaluations.
Balanced scorecard, Support, Constellation, SCAMPI, Maturity of the software.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
In its research to help organizations develop and maintain quality products and services,
the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has found several dimensions that an organization
can focus on to improve its business. Also, it illustrates the three fundamental dimensions
on which organizations usually focus: people, procedures and methods, and tools and
equipment. This virtuous circle involving these components is key to achieving a quality
product (2GC Active Management, 2019).
Software, understood in its duality of process and product, is inherently problematic;
such complexity is manifested in many aspects, the most relevant being: the fact of
being intangible, diculty in delimiting the scope or domain, diversity of languages to
express it in semantic and notational form, frequent changes in business rules that attempt
against its functional validity and, consequently, the predominance of accelerated product
obsolescence, etc.
The CMMI has two structures of Representations, the same ones that give rise to two dierent
types of evaluations. Figure 1 illustrates the structure of the Representations Continuous.
The dierences between the structures of Figure 1 and the Staged representation are subtle
but signicant. The staged picture uses maturity levels to characterize the overall state of the
organization’s processes concerning the model. In contrast, the continuous representation
uses capability levels to characterize the state of the organizations processes concerning
an individual process area. This dimension (the capability/maturity dimension) of CMMI
is used for benchmarking and assessment activities, as well as to guide an organization’s
improvement eorts (Álvarez, 2016).
Figure 1. Continuous representation.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
As show in Figure 1, capacity levels refer to the achievement of process improvement in
an organization in individual process areas. These levels are a means of incrementally
improving the processes that correspond to a given process area.
Figure 2. The four levels of capability are numbered from 0 to 3.
Maturity levels, on the other hand, refer to the achievement of process improvement in an
organization in multiple process areas. These levels are a means of improving processes
for a given set of process areas (i.e., maturity level). As illustrated in the Figure 2, the ve
maturity levels are numbered from 1 to 5.
There is a dependency or causal relationship between Strategic Planning and the BSC, i.e.,
the formulation of the strategic plan is the primary input of the latter, so when designing and
operating the BSC, this condition should not be lost sight of. In this regard, the structure of
the strategic plan under the BSC approach has the following structure (De Flander, 2018):
a) Institutional: where the values, role, and scope of the institution are stated; the
philosophy of the institution; the expectations of related agents or interest groups.
b) Strategic Management: a segment in which the Mission, Vision, and General
Strategic Objectives and Specic Strategic Objectives for the established time
horizon are formally expressed.
c) Related strategies: the set of actions to be deployed to achieve the formulated
d) Management indicators: sets of metrics to measure the institution’s functional
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
The following table shows in a structured way the perspectives, general objectives, specic
objectives, and corresponding indicators that are part of a corporate strategic plan.
The BSC is congured in four hierarchically aligned perspectives under a causal alignment.
This structure responds to the logic of the so-called strategic map, which in turn is constituted
by the causal relationship of the strategic objectives derived from the institutional strategic
plan. The perspectives considered are nancial, commercial, internal processes, and
learning; each one of them, in turn, is made up of strategic objectives, indicators, and goals.
The BSC is used as a strategic management model, a communication tool, and, in its best
implementations, an organizational change tool. This management model is based on a
basic principle stated as “you can only manage what you can measure” (Lamé, Jouini &
Stal-Le Cardinal, 2019).
The BSC is a tool that translates strategy into action. BSC is a performance planning and
management model that places strategy at the center of the process. The applicability of the
BSC has no limits of any nature because being a comprehensive management measurement
system can be adapted to any organization, for tangible or intangible processes, for large or
small organizations, public or private.
There is a wide variety of software tools to implement and automate the operation of this
important strategic management tool. However, there is one that, taking the institutional
strategic plan as a reference base, allows move towards management by indicators. This
is the case of Sixtina BSC, whose exibility, robustness, and user-friendliness allow for
relatively easy incorporation of the designed strategic matrix into the strategic plan.
The software organizes the management indicators in a structured manner. The highest
hierarchy is General Compliance, then Critical Factor, then Indicator, and nally, Data.
This structure is causal, i.e., the sequencing starts from the Learning perspective, then
Internal processes, Customers, and Financial. The person responsible for designing the
BSC assigns the weighted weights to each of the management indicators.
The BSC dashboard shows in the second column, the performance status of each
indicator in the chromatic form: green means satisfactory, yellow is equivalent to alert,
and red indicates decient. The next column shows the actual value of each indicator; this
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
information is extracted from the database of the institution’s information system; then it
shows the measure of the expression of each indicator, corresponding points for general
compliance, critical factor, and indicator; instead, for data, it corresponds to the measure
corresponding to its nature. The columns follow it for the date, operation (maximize,
minimize or stabilize), perspectives already indicated, the person responsible for the results
achieved by each indicator; the weighted weight (%) in determining the formula for the
compound indicators, the trend, the target value dened, the deviation observed between
the actual value and the target, the origin of the data (formula, manual, database, Excel)
and nally the frequency of recording the information (daily, weekly, monthly or annual)
(Catchpole et al., 2017).
Figure 3. BSCS strategic Map.
Figure 3 shows the strategic map corresponding to the BSC scorecard, whose purpose
is to articulate in a systemic, causal, hierarchical, transversal, and weighted way all the
management indicators. This view is very important for the stakeholders because, in one
single view, the interaction of the indicator system can be understood.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
Figure 4. Homogenization of heterogeneous indicators.
The calculation and color representation of each of the indicators in the BSC control panel
is shown in Figure 4. The sequence is bottom-up, i.e., based on data of a heterogeneous
nature, quantity, orientation, and weighting, using the corresponding formula, the resulting
indicators of a homogeneous nature are determined in units of measurement (points)
and orientation (maximize). To determine the values of the critical factors and general
compliance, the same procedure is followed as above (Institute and Faculty of Actuaries,
Table 1. Parameterization and import of information in BSC Sixtina.
Operation Maximize Minimize Stabilize Maximize
Capture excel import - databases
formula (rank/average index
Magnitude original size score (0 to 10)
Operation Maximize Minimize Stabilize Maximize
Capture excel - manual excel – manual
Magnitude original size score (0 to 10)
Operation Maximize Minimize Stabilize Maximize
Capture excel - manual excel - manual
Magnitude original size score (0 to 10)
0 Max
Deciency Alarm Target
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
0 Max
Target Alarm Deciency
0 Max
Default default Lower alarm Target Higher alarm
Deciency due
to excess
Table 1 is a summary of the information processing for the construction of the BSC control
panel content. For each series (actual, alarm or target), depending on the type of indicator,
operations are performed (maximize, minimize or stabilize) as appropriate; information
capture is dened (import from Excel or database, Excel or manual); also, the magnitude
(points or original magnitude of the data) is established. Likewise, the dimensions for the
three operation options of the indicators and their corresponding color are dened.
Since the CMMI, SCAMPI, and BSC models have been characterized integrally, by the
research objective, it has been possible to establish an analogy between the SCAMPI
evaluation process and the BSC control panel. As shown in Table 2, it is possible to equate
the hierarchical levels of maturity assessment of SCAMPI and the performance of the
management indicators of the Sixtina BSC scorecard.
Table 2. Equivalences between SCAMPI model and Sistine BSC.
SCAMPI Maturity Assessment Model BSC control panel model
Maturity level General compliance
Process area Critical factor
Goals Indicator
Internship Fact
The convenience of applying the BSC as a tool to facilitate the SCAMPI evaluation of the
CMMI-DEV constellation, oriented to the recognition of the software process maturity
level, is supported by the following reasons.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
This research work is based on the Scientic Research Method due to the eciency and
eectiveness provided by its application in practical life. Furthermore, it uses the Systemic
Approach to conceive the problem integrally, under a holistic perspective, covering the
relations of each element within the system and its relations with external agents.
Consequently, the project is following a proven method of collecting, tabulating, and
analyzing the background that has been obtained and proving its validity directly in the
eld in which the research fact is being presented (Borchert, Schirmeier & Spinczyk, 2017).
The design of the Experimental Research has been selected, that is to say, the handling of
variables of the cause-eect type, where the independent or experimental variable is of
interest to the researcher because the variable that is hypothesized (X) is one of the causes
that produce the supposed eect (Denicolai & Previtali, 2020).
The design is quasi experimental, allows the use of pre-tests and post-tests to analyze the
evolution of the eect of the “pilot” implementation before and after the experimental
treatment so that the subtype of Research design used is: “Post-test design and control
group”, whose general model is shown below:
RG1 X O1
RG2 – O2
RG1 = Experimental Group (formed randomly by software process evaluations for
recognition of maturity levels using the BSC)
RG2 = Control group (formed randomly by software process evaluations for recognition of
maturity levels in the absence of the stimulus)
X = Stimulation (El Balanced ScoreCard)
= Absence of Stimulus
O1, O2 = Measurement of maturity level indicators
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
This design includes two groups, one receiving the experimental treatment (Experimental
Group) and the other not (Control Group). That is, the manipulation of the independent
variable reaches only two levels (presence and absence).
CMMI-DEV Constellation
SCAMPI model
Software development processes
Balanced Score Card Software
1. Business processes that have been automated through software development
processes are identied.
2. The development constellation of the CMMI model is characterized.
3. Requests for evaluation of CMMI-DEV maturity levels are received.
4. The evaluation team is constituted, designating the leader.
5. The Balanced Score Card logic model applied to the SCAMPI model is built.
6. An evaluation or audit is carried out to recognize the level of maturity required.
7. The results of the evaluations are compared
8. The results are interpreted.
9. The hypotheses are veried.
By the objective of the research, the hypothesis, the design, and the procedure that has been
applied in this investigation, initially, a company has been characterized as a prototype,
which constitutes the control group to which the BSC was not applied in the SCAMPI
evaluation process, for the recognition of the level of maturity of the software process
implemented in that organization, that is, maintaining its original conditions of structure
and operation. Then, the prototype was made for a SCAMPI evaluation of maturity level
2, using the BSC, whose software corresponds to Sixtina BSC. Specically, the following
procedure has been followed. (Brocklesby, 2016).
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
1. The MWC-SCAMPI metamodel logic has been constructed to understand the scope
and reach of the entities included in this integral process. This model has been designed
with a view to the subsequent generation of the physical database (PIIDB), necessary to
import the information from the Sistine BSC.
Figure 5. Logical metamodel CMMI SCAMPI.
Figure 5 shows all the entities, relationships, and attributes that are most prominent in this
metamodel. Recursive relationships and sub-entities are also identied.
1) Advanced engineering has been carried out for the generation of the database
(PIIDB) corresponding to the entity-relationship model designed in the previous
2) The equivalence between the components of the CMMI-SCAMPI model and the
BSC Sixtina control panel has been established, as shown in the following table. It
shows the relevance of establishing similar and, therefore, comparable hierarchies at
the corresponding levels.
This analogy constitutes the full support to the proposal of this research project to use the
Balanced Scorecard (BSC), as a support to the SCAMPI of the CMMI-DEV constellation,
in recognition of the maturity level of the software process.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
1) Using the software BSC Sixtina under the web environment, the SCAMPI evaluation
model of the CMMI development constellation (DEV) has been characterized.
2) In the same BSC board, the evaluation corresponding to maturity level 2 for the
Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPAQ) process area, its four goals, as well
as its 15 practices, has been carried out. I am applying for the SCAMPI protocol.
With the information recorded in the database, the information has been contrasted,
and the software has produced the color results observed, and, applying the decision
rule of the SCAMPI protocol, the requested maturity level has not been reached as
(Brocklesby, 2016) in an applied situation.
3) By way of simulation, the results of the research eciency indicator have been
measured. This metric expresses the time spent in carrying out a SCAMPI assessment,
for maturity level 2, both for the control group (in the conventional form) and for the
experimental group (using the BSC)
Table 3. Efciency for the Control Group.
1 12 15 80.0%
2 10 14 71.4%
3 9 12 75.0%
4 10 15 66.7%
5 12 14 85.7%
6 10 15 66.7%
7 8 12 66.7%
8 14 18 77.8%
9 12 16 75.0%
10 14 16 87.5%
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
Table 4. Efciency for the Experimental Group.
1 12 12 100.0%
2 10 11 90.9%
3 9 9 100.0%
4 10 15 66.7%
5 12 11 109.1%
6 10 11 90.9%
7 8 8 100.0%
8 14 15 93.3%
9 12 13 92.3%
10 14 13 107.7%
AVERAGE 11.10 11.80 95.1%
4) There is a substantial increase in the eciency of the SCAMPI evaluation process,
from 75.2% to 95.1%; this is equivalent to a 26.4% improvement in performance,
decreasing from 14.7 days to 11.8 days for such evaluation.
Table 5. Efciency for the Control Group.
1 15 11 73.3%
2 15 10 66.7%
3 15 9 60.0%
4 15 13 86.7%
5 15 11 73.3%
6 15 11 73.3%
7 15 9 60.0%
8 15 12 80.0%
9 15 12 80.0%
10 15 11 73.3%
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
5) Also, by way of simulation, the results of the research eectiveness indicator have
been measured. This metric expresses the degree of accuracy used in carrying
out a SCAMPI assessment, for maturity level 2, for both the control group (in a
conventional form) and the experimental group (using the BSC).
Table 6. Efciency for the Experimental Group.
1 15 14 93.3%
2 15 14 93.3%
3 15 15 100.0%
4 15 13 86.7%
5 15 14 93.3%
6 15 13 86.7%
7 15 13 86.7%
8 15 14 93.3%
9 15 14 93.3%
10 15 15 100.0%
AVERAGE 15.00 13.90 92.7%
There was a substantial increase in the eectiveness of the SCAMPI evaluation process
as we can compare in tables 5 and 6, from 72.7% to 92.7%; this is equivalent to a 26.4%
improvement in performance, increasing from 10.9 correct evaluations to 13.9 for
conducting such evaluations.
The BSC is a powerful tool insofar as it is applied to follow up on performance reports.
Using the software BSC Sixtina under the web environment, the SCAMPI evaluation
model of the CMMI development constellation (DEV) has been characterized.
As a result of the eectiveness of the SCAMPI evaluation process, going from 72.7% to
92.7%; This is equivalent to a 26.4% improvement in performance, increasing from 10.9
correct evaluations to 13.9 for conducting such evaluations.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
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3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020