3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
Alex Abelardo Pacheco Pumaleque
Universidad Nacional de Cañete - UNDC, Lima, (Perú).
E-mail: apacheco@undc.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9721-0730
Nestor Cuba Carbajal
Universidad Nacional de Cañete - UNDC, Lima, (Perú).
E-mail: ncuba@undc.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7767-3751
Miriam Viviana Ñañez Silva
Universidad Nacional de Cañete - UNDC, Lima, (Perú).
E-mail: mnanez@undc.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8929-2916
Liz Beni Pacheco Pumaleque
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - UNMSM, Lima, (Perú).
E-mail: liz.pacheco@unmsm.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4323-1293
Citación sugerida Suggested citation
Pacheco, A. A., Cuba, N., Ñañez, M. V., y Pacheco, L. B. (2021). Strategic management model
to promote competitiveness in tourism companies in Cañete. 3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento
crítico. Edición Especial Tourism and University: Backbone of Peruvian Economy, 17-31. https://doi.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
Today’s tourism environment is increasingly competitive, so strategic management is a
fundamental process that every company must implement to evaluate the business, dene
goals, develop strategies and identify resources for their realization. Due to the pandemic,
the tourism sector is facing new challenges to stay in the market. Therefore, we propose a
strategic management model to improve the competitiveness of tourism companies. We used
the survey technique to collect information regarding the variables strategic management
and competitiveness with its dimensions change management, sta training, service quality,
dierentiation and technology management, which was addressed to 20 managers in the
sector resulting in a Cronbach’s alpha coecient of 0.823. The results show that 60% of
managers indicate that the change management capacity of their companies is regular. The
results show that 60% of managers indicate that the change management capacity of their
companies is regular. 55% indicate that the training of tourism personnel is regular, 60%
express that the dierentiation strategy of their company is bad. These results reect that
Cañete tourism companies must implement strategic management for the development
of productive capacities for their organizations, improving competitiveness through new
products, services and processes.
Strategic Management, Competitiveness, Tourism companies, Model.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
Strategic management is an essential tool for the analysis and assessment of the company
since it allows managers to develop, formulate and evaluate strategies for the optimization
of the resources of each area in the company (Eliécer & Herrera, 2011). One must have
the ability to interpret information, make decisions to remain in a competitive market and
lead the company on the path to success beneting partners, sta and customers. To make
a company grow and succeed requires a long-term vision with goals and objectives that can
be achieved over time. Strategic management directs the actions of the company towards
success by promoting the necessary changes and overcoming obstacles reecting the growth
of competitiveness and productivity in the company (Stratec, 2019). The tourism sector
is aected by constant changes and lack of knowledge about what the future of tourism
destinations holds. In order to achieve good management, the competitive position of
tourism destinations must be guaranteed in relation to their management and planning
(Quintana, 2019). For tourism management, statistical information and economic reports
reduce uncertainty and help in decision-making for the proper management of tourism
Competition among companies that promote tourist attractions in the province of Cañete
is constantly increasing, which requires strategic management that includes change
management, personnel training, service quality and dierentiation, and technological
innovation management (Baharudin et al., 2020; Wetli, 2018; Holis et al., 2018; Angel et
al., 2016; Tavera, 2017). Without strategic management, opportunities to achieve goals
and expand the company are lost, resources are inadequately managed, and processes are
not ecient. In this context, there are many challenges for companies in the tourism sector
that are trying to achieve better results in their performance and from this perspective
this research seeks to propose a strategic management model to promote competitiveness
in tourism companies in Cañete, contributing directly as a tool that allows increasing
productivity, improving service quality, dierentiation and undertaking change management
obtaining new products, services and processes.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
The increase in competition between organizations led to the origin of strategic management
based on long-term planning, due to the relationship between technological innovation
activity and business management that is increasing every day (Fanyoujun, 2019). Strategic
management is a continuous process that reviews strategies and develops them in a forward-
looking manner, allowing organizations to achieve their objectives, considering their
limitations and capacities in the operating environment. Companies use tools to strengthen
their internal capacity, improve their competitive performance, meet the requirements
of the environment and reect on the medium and long term future (Gimbert, 2010). In
addition, it serves as a support for decision making, and it manages to coordinate and reach
consensus on organizational decisions. For organizations, traditional strategic management
acquires new characteristics due to the implementation of foresight mechanisms such as
change management (Merzlikina & Kozhanova, 2020). Foresight focuses on the importance
of strategic vision, which serves as a fundamental part of the vision of the future of the
The importance of strategic management in tourism focuses on devoting more attention
to the analysis of the environment by formulating strategies that are directly related to the
environment. Today’s tourism environment is increasingly complex and competitive as most
tourism companies are intensifying their promotional eorts aimed at tourists. Nature is the
raison d’être of the tourism business and therefore the tourism organization at the national,
state and local levels must make estimates about what can happen in the future, adapt to
these changes and incorporate the strategic planning process into the structure of their
operation (Chon & Olsen, 1990). A sustainable tourism sector must be planned with respect
for the quality of life of local people and the carrying capacity of the environment, so that
tourism remains a sector with an extraordinary capacity to generate wealth in the medium
and long term (Lozano et al., 2019). Otherwise, we would face saturated destinations where
part of the local population would reject tourists. Therefore management policies are of
great importance since they focus on preserving the environment in conjunction with local
values, improving tourism productivity, competitiveness, and performance.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
To achieve good strategic management, change management, which are processes and sets
of tools to help people and companies achieve the desired objectives, must be considered; it
is based largely on the factor of leadership and communication skills. Change management
is successful when the organizations objectives are being met through the collaboration of
people and successful execution of the program itself (Baharudin et al., 2020). To maintain
and be competent in a volatile environment, it is vitally important to develop change
management through good leadership and communication.
The goal of implementing change is to increase the eectiveness of the organizations
performance and evaluate it. Business management must have opportunities to quantitatively
assess the benets of the changes made and sta must be clear about the objectives on
which to focus to develop the changes (Merzlikina & Kozhanova, 2020). This implies new
technologies and methods that adjust to business performance and market demand by
taking advantage of opportunities. Sta training, programs should consider the knowledge
required of sta preparing them to provide referral and support services. In addition,
training must be continuous and sensitive to sta limitations, roles and responsibilities
(Wetli, 2018). This training must be comprehensive in order to prepare sta who do not
have complete knowledge to provide general referral assistance, and it must be sensitive to
the limitations and needs of workers.
A study in Eastern Siberia states that often workers in tourism enterprises do not have
elementary or basic professional education. The East Siberian State Institute of Culture
mentions that at present the system of training personnel for the tourism industry must
implement educational tourism programs by providing training to tourism personnel in
compliance with educational standards. Tourism development is impossible without tour
guides, entertainers, artisans and other specialists who contribute to the expansion of the
range of culture and education, ethnocultural and environmental tourism programs and
itineraries (Perova et al., 2018). It is precisely the implementation of educational tourism
programs that denes the priority role of the East Siberian State Institute of Culture in
training personnel for tourism, the economy and the management of hotel services in the
social and cultural sphere.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
Competitiveness is the ability to innovate in order to achieve or maintain a favorable
situation and compared to other companies in a number of key sectors; it has positive
eects on organizational performance. One study found that performance increases when
rms strengthen their competitiveness through improvements in four factors: quality, cost,
delivery and exibility (Holis et al., 2018). The ability to innovate is the most important
factor in improving business performance. Sustainable competitiveness must be applied
to all businesses; resource-based strategy theory points out the importance of dynamic
resource capacity such as exibility, agility, speed and adaptability to improve business
performance and develop competitive advantage in organizations, with innovation being a
key factor leading to this advantage (Rauf et al., 2019).
Figure 1. Factors for increasing competitiveness.
Source: (Holis et al., 2018).
Quality of service is the delivery of an excellent good or service in comparison to customer
expectations; it is very important nowadays as customers are increasingly more informed due
to technology and are more demanding (Idat et al., 2018). Quality of service is increasingly
important and is measured from the point of view of customers, their perception of
other companies and their expectations before purchasing the good or service. When an
organization creates a high quality product, it can improve competitiveness and increase
organizational performance both directly and indirectly (Lakhal, 2009). Quality guarantees
satisfaction so that clients continue to consume the product or service oered. This is
achieved by making an internal diagnosis, training sta, and continuously improving the
organizational climate.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
Dierentiation, the success of a company that implements dierentiation is based on
developing unique attributes in the product and in the performance of processes, giving
a clear focus on service. In order to implement dierentiating strategies in the company’s
value chain, the product must be of high quality, focusing on innovation, exceeding
customer expectations and thus improving service (Chirinos & Samaniego, 2016). Successful
dierentiation means greater process exibility, improved product performance, optimized
engineering design and improved ease of use. One way to dierentiate oneself from the
competition is to have products or services in the market that meet the needs of each specic
client through exible and rapid responses that oer the capacity for customization that the
competition cannot match, in which technological competencies are key factors that the
company must incorporate (Angel et al., 2016).
Technology management is the direction and organization of human and economic
resources to create new knowledge, generate technical ideas that will enable the company
to obtain new products, services and processes. It has three levels: strategic management,
technological innovation and technology transfer (Tavera, 2017). Technology management
creates, maintains and improves the competitive advantage in organizations from
technological foundations.
The present research study is of a descriptive-correlational type with a transversal design.
It is made up of 50 managers from companies in the tourism sector in southern Lima.
The sample is made up of 20 managers. As an instrument, a questionnaire was used about
the independent variable strategic management model through the indicators that are:
change management and personnel training, with a total of 8 questions and the dependent
variable competitiveness that contains the indicators: service quality, dierentiation and
technological management with a total of 12 questions. The scale used is from Likert,
validated by expert judgment and the questionnaire is reliable with a Cronbach’s alpha
coecient of 0.823.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
The questionnaire was applied to a total of 20 managers in the tourism sector in Cañete,
based on which it was possible to obtain and analyze the following results:
Table 1 shows the results of the change management dimension regarding the strategic
management model variable. 60% of the managers surveyed maintain that the capacity to
manage change in their companies is regular, and 40% consider it to be good.
Table 1. How do you consider the change management capacity of your company?
Levels Quantity Percentage
Very Good 0 0%
Good 8 40%
Regular 12 60%
Bad 0 0%
Decient 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Source: Own elaboration.
Table 2 shows the answers to the training dimension of the same variable. 55% of managers
consider sta training to be regular, 40% say that the level of training is good and 5% very
Table 2. How do you consider the training of personnel in tourism?
Very Good 1 5%
Good 8 40%
Regular 11 55%
Bad 0 0%
Decient 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Source: Own elaboration.
Table 3 shows the results of the quality of service dimension of the competitiveness
dependent variable. 70% say that the way to provide a better quality of service in tourism
enterprises is regulated, 30% say that the way to promote the quality of service is good.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
Table 3. How do you evaluate the quality of the tourist service?
Levels Quantity Percentage
Very Good 0 0%
Good 6 30%
Regular 14 70%
Bad 0 0%
Decient 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Source: Own elaboration.
Table 4 expresses the results of the dierentiation dimension of the competitiveness
variable. 60% consider their company’s dierentiation strategy to be poor, 30% fair and
10% very good.
Table 4. How do you consider the differentiation strategy in your company?
Levels Quantity Percentage
Very Good 2 10%
Good 0 0%
Regular 6 30%
Bad 12 60%
Decient 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Source: Own elaboration.
Table 5 shows the answers to the technological management dimension of the same
variable. 75% of managers consider the implementation of technological management to
be poor and 25% maintain that it is regular.
Table 5. How do you consider the implementation of technology management in your company?
Levels Quantity Percentage
Very Good 0 0%
Good 0 0%
Regular 5 25%
Bad 15 75%
Decient 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Source: Own elaboration.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
According to the results of the survey, the following strategic management model is proposed
to promote competitiveness in tourism companies that allows us to evaluate the real state of
tourism companies in Cañete and then apply the model and achieve ideal results.
Figure 2. strategic management proposal to promote competitiveness
Source: own elaboration.
This research proposes the application of a strategic management model to improve the
competitiveness of tourism enterprises.
In Table 1, 60% of managers indicate that the change management capacity of their
companies is regular. Therefore, for the change management capacity to be successful, the
company’s objective must be met, which will allow for the improvement of administrative,
technical and social performance. This is in line with Baharudin et al. (2020) and Merzlikina
& Kozhanova (2020) emphasizing that change should increase the eectiveness of the
company’s performance, change management is of vital importance to maintain and
be competent in a volatile environment; leadership, communication and awareness are
essential factors in preparing the integrity of change management.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
In Table 2, 55% indicate that training of tourism personnel is regular, so the skills,
knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of your company’s sta should be improved so that they
can have new tools and knowledge. This is in line with Wetli (2018) and Perova et al. (2018)
who consider that training should be comprehensive enough to prepare sta by providing
them with general reference assistance and sensitivity to conicting time constraints.
In Table 3, 70% consider that the quality of the tourism service should be regulated, so
due to the demand of the client, strategies should be proposed to improve the quality in
order to exceed their expectations. This is in line with Idat et al. (2018) and Lakhal (2009)
who emphasize that an organization with a high quality product or service will be able
to improve competitiveness and increase the performance of organizations both directly
and indirectly, guaranteeing satisfaction so that clients continue to consume the product or
service oered.
In the Table 4, 60% express that the dierentiation strategy of their company is bad, the
results show that for tourism companies to implement the dierentiation strategy, the value
chain has to be of quality, innovative and exceed customer expectations by improving
service. Chirinos & Samaniego (2016) and Angel et al. (2016) express that the success of a
business lies in dierentiation by developing exceptional product attributes and performing
service-focused processes, successful dierentiation means greater process exibility,
improved product performance, optimized engineering design and improved ease of use.
In Table 5, 75% of managers consider the implementation of technology management
to be poor. The results indicate that tourism companies have not adopted technology to
increase their competitiveness. Tavera (2017) states that technology management is the
direction and organization of human and economic resources to create new knowledge,
generate technical ideas that will allow the company to obtain new products, services and
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
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3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021