3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
Roxanna Saldarriaga
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, (Perú).
E-mail: roxanna.saldarriaga@unmsm.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1823-2470
Hugo Vega
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, (Perú).
E-mail: hvegah@unmsm.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4268-5808
Ciro Rodriguez
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, (Perú).
E-mail: crodriguezro@unmsm.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2112-1349
Percy De La Cruz
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, (Perú).
E-mail: pdelacruzv@unmsm.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4943-7620
Citación sugerida:
Saldarriaga, R., Vega, H., Rodriguez, C., y De La Cruz, P. (2021). Academic approach about E-learning modules
from the teacher/student perspective at the National University Mayor de San Marcos, Lima-Perú. 3C TIC. Cuadernos
de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC, 10(3), 121-139. https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctic.2021.103.121-139
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
The article examines the teacher/student perspective about E-learning modules that could be applied to
the courses of the Administration career at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos based on 2
methodologies that project a better vision of teaching. To carry out these methodologies, it is necessary
to review the results obtained in a survey to determine the factors that inuence student learning
through the proposed E-learning modules. As a result, 6 factors were obtained to validate whether these
E-learning modules are suitable for Flipped Classroom and B-learning Methodologies. It is important
to highlight that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, dierent teaching methods have been chosen virtually,
and the evaluation carried out; it was determined that 40% of the students who are virtually taking their
courses feel satised and eager to continue studying using dierent technological tools.
E-learning, Flipped Classroom, Blended, ICT, Cloud Computing, Academic approach.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
This paper is possible to observe various research where the importance of using E-learning platforms
for the learning process; this leads us to analyze the impact on teachers and undergraduate students of
the administration career of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
It has been reected that the lack of motivation inuences enormously. Not having the necessary tools is
a key factor to not continue under this methodology, such as the lack of equipment, its failures, the few
skills of the user, the lack of training, connectivity, and everything related to the digital environment,
generates impotence in students and leads them to the day. In a technological world that is changing day
by day, it is basic to know and master it (Escobar, 2015).
A survey was conducted based on ICT knowledge and E-learning methodologies resulting in only 40%
being motivated to take their courses virtually.
After the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been mandatory to look for dierent teaching alternatives in a
non-face-to-face way, even using improvised digital tools to meet the academic objective. Motivation is
fundamental for proper teaching.
As an objective of this research, we must validate the factors that inuence this teaching method and
apply the best educational methodology for implementing digital didactic modules as a learning strategy.
Clark and Mayer (2016) tell us that technology, unlike the human nervous system, can easily deliver more
sensory data because cognitive systems are limited by various information competing for this limited
capacity. The student should choose the one that suits him best.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
In addition, it suggests training and helping those who need it and more if they know the case and want
to achieve change, it is essential to design environments where experiences are created since that is where
change is encouraged.
Some benets considered are adapting the student's learning itinerary, the combination of collaborative
activities with self-directed study, and the quality of teaching since it has the same level.
According to Ghirardini (2014), cognitive, interpersonal, and psychomotor skills development training
programs, within the domain, more interactive E-learning activities could be applied to thinking skills
through interactive games and feedback.
The diculties generated by this model and the defects generated by a dominant economic factor are 2
very inuential perspectives in many projects. Bartolomé (2004) is the same educational training, but at
a distance powered by technology.
E-learning has shown its eectiveness for certain approaches, but it carries some limits since not all the
population is prepared.
We have the following solutions applied in important Spanish and Latin American institutions using
Work overload.
Low-cost tutors.
A great weight of learning in materials that do not require human support.
According to what has been seen above, it has been a reason to open up the Blended learning concept as
a response to face-to-face institutions since not all people approve of E-learning 100%.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
Some topics require face-to-face evaluation; therefore, the most optimal thing is that combined learning
is implemented to be done virtually and training in person. "Blended learning includes face-to-face
classroom practices that are combined with computer-mediated activities regarding content and delivery"
(Shankarwader, 2019).
This modality has more and more followers to be an alternative of possibilities open to combining
personal and professional life (Aznar, Cáceres & Romero, 2019).
Better known as Inverse Methodology, students have access to learning content based on the topics they
will have in class, such as materials, video lectures, etc., as part of the teaching objective. In this way, they
will interact in the classroom with the previously reviewed cooperative learning methods or group work
(Yilmaz, 2017).
It is understood that to ensure its eectiveness, students must know before face-to-face work.
Moreover, preparation for E-learning in the student can be a factor to ensure satisfaction and motivation
in the FC model.
According to the author, the Flipped Classroom, or Inverted Classroom (FC), is a dierent approach
since both works inside the class and outside.
This model has demonstrated higher academic performance than traditional reading (LB) based
learning, mainly by developing dierent technological resources such as Google Drive, YouTube, or
Google Classroom.
The main objective has been to evaluate the eectiveness of a Flipped Classroom methodology in the
performance of students.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
"It has been argued that future studies should have greater methodological rigor, a standardized HR
format, and use assessment tools that evaluate the higher cognitive learning process rather than an
exam" (Oliván-Blázquez et al., 2019).
Baelo and Cantón (2009) evidences several opinions of "technology" such as, for example, Haag (2004),
who said that "information technologies are composed of any computer-based tool and that people use to
work with information, support information and process information needs". The author also mentions
Majó and Marqués (2002), who refer to 3 elds: telecommunications, computer science, and image
and sound technologies. It also includes Cabero (2000) and Ortega (1997), who made the distinction
between conventional technologies (based on speech, drawing, painting), new technologies (audiovisual
resources), and advanced technologies (such as computer software design or animation).
Within this process, the Technologies of Information and Communications (ICT) become more
important, providing organizational exibility of these teachings. Hilario et al. (2021) mention that ICT
supports decision-making as an integration of business information. Córdova et al. (2020) mention that
one of the ICT tools that companies have been incorporating to optimize the processes, especially those
binding to the documentary procedures, uses the digital signature, especially now in Pandemic. Salas,
Vega and Rodriguez (2021) mention the main contributions of ICT to take them as a business reference.
Martínez et al. (2020) state that proximity m-marketing with beacon devices is a successful strategy for
reaching customers accordingly.
"They have also been involved in all elds of education to help administrative processes, a new group
of higher education people, and development of methodologies development methodologies” (Baelo &
Cantón, 2009; Gayle, Tewarie, & White, 2003).
According to Baelo and Cantón (2009), some of the benets of ICT inclusion are the ease of access to
information and the variety of information available, the parameters of reliability and speed of data
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
processing, the feedback possibilities they oer, their great interactivity and development of exible
spaces for learning and to optimization of the organization and development of teaching and research
Measures to be developed according to the author:
The training, technical and pedagogical training of the teacher.
Motivation and recognition.
Cloud Computing is in full evolution and maturity to be used in the university academic eld.
Cloud Computing is a model for enabling network access from a shared pool of congurable computing
resources (networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be quickly provided and easily
removed (Yrigoyen & Torres, 2011).
Table 1. Academic cloud resources.
Academic Community
Academic Cloud
Source: (Yrigoyen & Torres, 2011).
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
Gutierrez and García (2016) tell us that online education is truly an optimal means to familiarize ourselves
with technologies, especially developing competencies autonomously and progressively. Unfortunately,
as time goes on, students tend to become less motivated and disinterested.
That is why hybrid or virtual training proposals must be of the highest quality using game-based learning
Remain in constant change within the online training process.
Determine the motivational factors to reinforce.
Provide proposals that promote virtual learning.
It is important to include multimedia designs in virtual learning environments. It is part of the interaction
between the teacher and the student using digital materials to reach the objectives set through discussion
spaces and research groups for common topics (Manrique & Uc, 2020).
Another way to motivate the student is through Gamication, taking advantage of virtual tools, playful
elements could be included in the educational context under this modality.
Torres-Toukoumidis, Romero-Rodríguez, and Pérez-Rodríguez (2017) says:
Although there is no single conceptualization regarding gamication in the education sector, in all
of the students are presented in the face of an experience that tends to be immersive, changing
principles provided by traditional education to new parameters of learning, based on motivation and
social identication, applying game mechanisms to make the pedagogical process more attractive,
and ultimately eective.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
Ntshwarang, Malinga, and Losike-Sedimo (2021) mention that, in the wake of the pandemic, the
University of Botswana in India had to opt for Moodle and Blackboard Learn (BBL) tools while Moodle
was less expensive for its constructivist social approach, BBL had improvements in interactive learning
such as blogs, forums, etc. This caused many institutions to opt for Moodle in all their faculties and cities.
“It is observed that E-learning emphasizes the quality and eective presentation of information” it is
becoming dicult to maintain educational standards due to the limitations of nances, infrastructure,
and other resources, including skilled and experienced human power (Trakru & Jha, 2019).
Likewise, Radha et al. (2020) made a study of students from dierent schools and universities in
India, where they validated that E-learning provides rapid growth proving to be the best in all sectors,
especially in Education during this pandemic, considering that the use of a desktop computer, laptop or
smartphones, and internet, form an important component in this new eld.
Table 2. Positivity towards E-learning.
Classication Surveyed Percentages
Yes 133 76
No 12 6,86
maybe 30 17,14
Total 175 100
Source: (Radha et al., 2020).
Educational institutions and the government must strive to improve distance education and maintain an
adequate E-learning infrastructure supporting all teachers through training and workshops to increase
their knowledge, be aligned with technological knowledge, and contribute to the desired learning. Having
the software and hardware of the E-learning infrastructure is the main factor in achieving success (Garad,
Al-Ansi & Qamari, 2021).
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
However, for Huanca et al. (2020), it is still a failure to have these requirements at the national level
because it is not applicable for provincial students; this remains a great challenge that will have to be
solved gradually by educational agents such as governments, universities, civil society and teachers.
This research seeks to know the incidence of the variables “Motivation for IT in Education” and
“Usefulness of ICT in E-learning Modules”, so, depending on the type of research, the present is
“correlational”, since it measures the degree of association between two variables, as it appears in this
research. The correlation will help us determine the feasibility of implementing E-learning modules to
strengthen teaching.
It is made up of the students of the Administration career of the UNMSM, who will be applied to a
survey to identify the importance of ICT in Education to apply E-learning teaching methods.
The Population will be the students that make up the career of Administration of the UNMSM. It has
been considered taking the sample to students of the 7th cycle to the 10th cycle since they carry courses
related to IT from that year. To check the number of students, the average number of vacancies in the
admission exam (200) has been used with a dropout rate per cycle of -10%.
Table 3. The population of respondents.
Cycle Quantity
VII 106
IX 86
X 80
Total 367
Source: own elaboration.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
To calculate the known sample size, we use the following:
n = The sample size
N = Population size 185
σ = Population standard deviation 0.5
Z = Condence levels 1.96
e = Acceptable sample error limit 5% (0.05)
If I survey 185 people, 95% of the time, the data you want to measure will be in the range ±5%
concerning the data you observe in the survey.
The interview research methodology was used as the main tool of the questionnaire.
To evaluate the research variables, we used an 8-question questionnaire.
For the process of distribution and data collection, the following steps will be considered:
Prepare a list of questions asked about the approach and factors to implement an E-learning
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
Prepare invitations to the students of the administration career of the UNMSM to send it digitally
with the approval of the dean of the faculty.
Wait for conrmation to start receiving student-lled surveys.
To validate the instrument, Cronbach’s alpha will be used to review professionals in IT Management
and Education.
Cronbach’s alpha is interpreted: the more signicant the alpha value is close to 1, the greater the
consistency of the items analyzed. So, if the alpha value is greater than 0.7, the instrument is accepted.
It has been considered for the statistical analysis:
Reliability test using Cronbach’s Alpha.
Analysis of results.
Discussion of results.
The following analysis was carried out based on questions related to ICT use in Education and student
motivation to determine the approach and implementation factors of E-learning modules in conjunction
with the best methodology to specify the student’s knowledge.
It has been seen that the Flipped Classroom or inverted classroom is a good methodology to carry a
good pace of learning since, under this modality, the student will be able to investigate and solve their
courses through these modules as activities before the start of class, so that later, with the teacher in a
synchronous way they can validate the activities carried out.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
On the other hand, B-learning or Blended is a semi-face-to-face methodology, could be used once
returned to face-to-face classes post Covid-19 since this methodology can take activities using the
E-learning modules synchronously or asynchronously.
To validate the instrument’s reliability, the reliability analysis was performed using Cronbach’s Alpha
based on 185 students surveyed.
Table 4. Interpretation of Alpha Cronbach reliability.
Value of the coefcient Interpretation
>0,9 Excellent
Between 0.9 - 0.8 Well
Between 0.8 - 0.7 Acceptable
Between 0.7 - 0.6 Weak
Between 0.6 - 0.5 Poor
< 0.5 Not acceptable
Source: (Frías-Navarro, 2020).
Table 5. Cronbach’s alpha reliability statistics.
Alfa de Cronbach Number of elements
0. 924 8
Source: own elaboration.
The value of the coecient we have obtained is 0.924, which is interpreted as good reliability.
As a result of the analysis of the problem of the lack of motivation to use virtual learning tools at the
UNMSM through the surveys carried out, it is concluded that only 40% of the students who take several
courses in a virtual form within their curricular mesh feel comfortable with this type of methodology since
it requires an entirely didactic and easy to handle system and most importantly, to have at their disposal
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
a quality software and hardware to be able to carry the teaching subject; to improve this percentage we
evaluate the type of platform.
E-learning will be used to take advantage of the changes that are currently taking place to explore all
the resources necessary to invest in an excellent virtual tool, and after the analysis made to the data
obtained in the surveys carried out, it was obtained that the factors that inuence virtual teaching are
the following.
ICT is necessary for any area of the student and more now because of the pandemic.
Quality E-learning platforms are practical and dynamic means to obtain new knowledge.
Technological attitude, students can acquire new knowledge through new learning methodologies
using virtual media. It has been seen that it is always necessary to change learning strategies.
Continuous training, teachers, students, and administrative sta must be constantly trained and
updated to correctly use E-learning tools and be aligned with the latest educational, technological
The virtual platforms must be equipped for laptops, PCs, mobile devices, or tablets and be portable.
Good Software and Hardware for a virtual educational infrastructure is the best long-term
The methodology used for the excellent use of E-learning platforms, according to this research, is the
Flipped Classroom (Inverted Classroom) and B-learning (Blended or Semi face-to-face); the latter will be
necessary when the face-to-face classes are retaken. The teacher may determine to apply it synchronously
or asynchronously as appropriate.
We are entering a new world where Technology imposes itself on our habits of life, mainly because it is
already a necessity. We must be open to change and allow new creations and be part of them.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
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3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254 – 6529 Ed. 38 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021