Fangfang Zhang*
School of Fine Arts, Weifang College, Weifang, Shandong, 261061, China
Kunfan Wang
College of Grammar, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150040,
Reception: 12/11/2022 Acceptance: 26/12/2022 Publication: 10/01/2023
Suggested citation:
Z., Fangfang and W., Kunfan (2023). Key technologies of smart
factory machine vision based on efcient deep network model. 3C
Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico, 12(1), 15-35. https://
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
Most of the existing smart space machine vision technologies are oriented to specific
applications, which are not conducive to knowledge sharing and reuse. Most smart
devices require people to participate in control and cannot actively provide services
for people. In response to the above problems, this research proposes a smart factory
based on a deep network model, which is capable of data mining and analysis based
on a huge database, enabling the factory to have self-learning capabilities. On this
basis, tasks such as optimization of energy consumption and automatic judgment of
production decisions are completed. Based on the deep network model, the accuracy
of the model for image analysis is improved. Increasing the number of hidden layers
will cause errors in the neural network and increase the amount of calculation. The
appropriate number of neurons can be selected according to the characteristics of the
model. When the IoU threshold is taken as 0.75, its performance is improved by
1.23% year-on-year. The residual structure composed of asymmetric multiple
convolution kernels not only increases the number of feature extraction layers, but
also allows the asymmetric image details to be better preserved. The recognition
accuracy of the trained deep network model reaches 99.1%, which is much higher
than other detection models, and its average recognition time is 0.175s. In the
research of machine vision technology, the smart factory based on the deep network
model not only maintains a high recognition accuracy rate, but also meets the real-
time requirements of the system.
Smart factory; Deep network model; Machine vision; Image processing; Model
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
2.1. Convolutional Neural Network
2.2. Recurrent Neural Network
2.3. Deep Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
2.4. Model training and evaluation metrics
3.1. Machine Vision Development Principles
3.2. Research on machine vision based on deep network
3.3. Realization of Vision Technology in Smart Factory
3.4. Vision application of smart factory based on deep network
4.1. The eect of the number of neurons on the performance of
deep networks
4.2. Deep network model optimization for smart factories
4.3. Development of key visual technologies for smart factories
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
With the development and innovation of computer science and communication
technology, the degree of intelligence of computing is also getting higher and higher.
Smart space is a typical distributed system, so the acquired situational data has
distributed characteristics [1, 2]. Context-aware applications need to synthesize
distributed context data and perform appropriate storage management for the
collected context data. On this basis, the data is analyzed to provide usable
information for the users of the smart space [3,4]. Smart factory is a typical application
of smart space, which realizes the application of situational awareness in smart
factory [5]. Its main task is to proactively eliminate the fault and prompt the cause of
the fault when a fault occurs in the operation of the smart factory. Introduce the
sources of contextual data and use ontology-based hierarchical modeling methods to
model application scenarios [6]. Finally, the rule setting of situational reasoning is
explained, and the reasoning result is analyzed. A smart factory is defined as a factory
that can intelligently perceive situational information and use situational awareness
technology to help people and machines perform tasks. Industrial robots have the
characteristics of high work efficiency, high work quality, and high repeat positioning
accuracy. It is a development trend for industrial robots to replace manual labor.
However, the robot does not have the developed human brain and visual system, and
cannot adjust the movement trajectory according to the specific environment. These
problems can be well solved by robot vision, and machine vision technology is the key
to the transformation from traditional production to intelligent production [7].
The information of the entire production process is collected by sensors and smart
devices in the smart factory, and transmitted to the upper computer for development
and utilization [8]. Zhang et al. [9] used the graph-optimized SLAM algorithm to
construct a two-dimensional grid map of the physical simulation environment of the
printing smart factory, and designed a combined navigation scheme combining the
SLAM algorithm and the dynamic window method (DWA). The simulation results verify
the accessibility of global path planning and the feasibility of local path obstacle
avoidance. , Jerman et al. [10] proposed a case study on the impact of Industry 4.0 on
the business model of smart factories for the key elements of smart factories. Its main
objective will be that the roles of employees working in production will be primarily to
express their creativity, to make emergency interventions and to perform process
custody. The key factors influencing smart factory business models are top
management and leadership orientation, employee motivation, collective intelligence,
creativity and innovation. The study provides useful guidance for the strategic
management of innovative companies in the early stages of the decision-making
process. SHANTHIKUMAR et al. [11] have a limited level of operational control in
scheduling for each factory, assigning different types of products to different factories.
In a dedicated factory, only similar products are produced in the same factory. A multi-
server, multi-job-class queuing model is established, and the model is used to form a
centralized factory to handle similar tasks. In intelligent manufacturing, machine vision
is the "eye" of the machine and the "brain" of vision. The machine vision module is
composed of cameras, light sources, brackets, computers, etc., and can meet the
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
needs of rich vision applications such as visual positioning, measurement, detection
and identification. Machine vision is used to collect images, which can carry out
continuous acquisition and external control acquisition. [12] expounded the role and
importance of machine vision systems in industrial applications. The intended function
of a vision machine is to exploit and impose the environmental constraints of the
scene, capture images, analyze the captured images, and identify certain objects and
features in each image. and initiate follow-up actions to accept or reject the
corresponding object. Application areas include automated visual inspection (AVI),
process control, part identification, and play an important role in the guidance and
control of robots. Looking ahead to the development of manufacturing, it is possible to
improve reliability, improve product quality, and provide technical support for new
production processes. Chen et al. [13] studied the hardware and software
requirements and recent developments of machine vision systems, focusing on the
analysis of multispectral and hyperspectral imaging in modern food inspection. Future
trends in the application of machine vision technology are discussed. Robie et al. [14]
investigated the development of machine vision techniques for the automated
quantitative analysis of social behavior, greatly improving the scale and resolution at
which we analyze interactions between members of the same species. Several
components of machine vision-based analysis are discussed: high-quality video
recording methods for automated analysis, video-based tracking algorithms for
estimating the position of interacting animals, and machine learning methods for
identifying interaction patterns. The applicability of these methods is very general,
reviewing the successful application to biological problems in several model systems
with very different types of social behavior. [15] studied the Lambert diffuse model for
computational vision applications, and the Lambertian model can be shown to be a
very inaccurate approximation of the diffuse component. The brightness of Lambertian
surfaces is independent of the viewing direction, whereas the brightness of rough
diffuse surfaces increases as the observer approaches the source direction. The
model takes into account complex geometric and radiation phenomena such as
masking, shadowing and inter-reflection between surface points. The resulting
reflectance measurements are in strong agreement with the model-predicted
reflectance values. Davies et al. [16] studied the application progress of machine
vision in the field of food and agriculture since 2000. It involves applying different
wavelengths of radiation to the material, not only looking at the surface but also the
internal structure. With its powerful feature learning capabilities, deep networks have
been widely used in machine vision such as face recognition [17], semantic
segmentation [18], and human pose detection [19]. Among them, convolutional neural
network has become one of the most successful image analysis models and is widely
used in the field of computer vision. In addition to training deep neural networks in a
single feed-forward manner, recurrent neural networks, a deep model that captures
temporal information, are more suitable for prediction of sequence data of arbitrary
length. Agarwal et al. [20] proposed a new deep neural network-based approach that
relies on coarse-grained sentence modeling. Use convolutional neural network and
recurrent neural network (RNN) models combined with specific fine-grained word-level
similarity matching models. The proposed deep paraphrase-based method achieves
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
good results in both types of text and is thus more robust and general than existing
methods. Tai et al. [21] made great breakthroughs in the field of computer vision by
using deep learning for the obstacle avoidance problem of mobile robots, especially in
recognition and cognitive tasks. Taking the original depth image as input, generating
control commands as network output and realizing model-free obstacle avoidance
behavior. [22] proposed an end-to-end trainable deep network structure based on a
Gaussian Conditional Random Field (GCRF) model for image denoising. The
proposed deep network explicitly models the input noise variance and is able to
handle a range of noise levels. Experiments on the Berkeley segmentation and
PASCALVOC datasets show that the proposed method produces the same results as
the state-of-the-art without training a separate network for each individual noise level.
Bai et al. [23] studied a novel comprehensive solution for the compression and
acceleration of visual question answering systems. The algorithm uses long and
short-term memory to compress convolutional neural networks to improve processing
speed. To further compress this parameter, a tensor shrinking layer is used to
compress the feature flow between layers.
To sum up, in the traditional fault diagnosis, the production efficiency of the factory
is reduced due to the poor communication of information. It is difficult for the
management of the factory to get the fault information of the factory and make a
response at the first time. Smart factories can provide an intelligent fault detection
service that supports dynamic collection of abnormal event information, real-time
transmission, and abnormal response-level monitoring. The smart factory machine
vision technology built with the help of efficient deep network model provides a
guarantee for troubleshooting events and improving the operating efficiency of the
factory. When equipment in the smart factory fails, the factory control center can
quickly obtain abnormal information. At the same time, relevant maintenance
personnel can obtain real-time warnings and fault-related information through mobile
devices such as mobile phones.
Deep learning, which attempts to capture high-level abstract features through
multiple nonlinear transformations and hierarchical representation structures, has
become a hot research topic. According to the input of the network and the function of
the network, it is divided into four categories: convolutional neural network, recurrent
neural network, graph convolutional network and binary network. The input of the first
three networks is static image or vector, sequence and graph data respectively. The
binary network is based on the existing deep model, and further quantifies the network
weights and activations.
Convolutional neural networks are currently one of the most successful image
analysis models and are widely used in various computer vision tasks [24, 25]. The
design of its model was first inspired by biologists' research on the biological functions
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
of human brain nerve cells. Convolutional neural network has made great progress in
the field of deep learning and is the mainstream in the field of image related. Different
from the traditional neural network, its original image can be directly input into the
convolutional neural network for calculation. Simplified image preprocessing is a
feedforward neural network. The main structure of the convolutional neural network
layer is: input layer, convolutional layer, pooling layer and fully connected layer.
In practical applications, the experience of human-computer interaction is often at
the millisecond level. Only by solving the efficiency problem of convolutional neural
networks can convolutional neural networks be more widely used in various mobile
devices. The usual method is to perform model compression, that is, to perform
compression on the already trained model, so that the network carries fewer network
parameters. The mathematical formula for the convolutional layer is as follows:
where XjL
is the output feature of the convolutional layer, f(•) is the activation
function, WijL is the convolution kernel weight matrix, XiL-1
is the input image feature,
and Wb is the bias value.
There are many sequential data in real-world problems, such as text, speech, and
video, which have obvious temporal correlations [26]. The output and input of
traditional neural networks (such as CNN) are independent of each other, have no
memory ability, and cannot use the correlation in time series. For this reason, as early
as 1986, the Jordan network proposed by Bilski et al. directly feeds the final output of
the entire network back to the input layer of the network through the delay module, so
that all layers of the entire network are recursive. Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is
a network designed for sequence signal processing and is suitable for predicting
sequence data of arbitrary length. The state of the hidden layer inside the RNN is
cyclic, and the state of the hidden layer depends not only on the current input but also
on the state of the previous hidden layer.
where V is the output weight matrix, U is the weight matrix of the input xt
, W is the
weight matrix of the input st-1 at the previous moment, and f(·), g(·
) are the activation
Each memory unit module uses three gate structures: input gate, output gate and
forget gate to control the hidden state at different times, and to model the temporal
correlation in the sequence. Great success in automatic speech recognition, music
creation, grammar learning, and even image tagging. At present, LSTM has been
j ij i b
X f W X W
= +
( )
( )
t t
t t t
= +
o s
s x s
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
widely used in classification-based tasks, and combined with convolutional neural
networks, images can be automatically annotated.
Existing convolutional neural networks utilize a large amount of trainable data to
efficiently accelerate computing resources (GPU).
The unique network structure and efficient training mechanism can effectively
extract data feature representations from Euclidean space data such as images, texts
and videos for various tasks [27, 28]. Graph convolutional networks well-designed for
different tasks continue to emerge, including attention graph neural networks, graph
autoencoders, graph generative networks, and graph spatiotemporal networks. The
attention mechanism has proved useful in multiple tasks, and the essence of the
attention map neural network is to assign weights to different neighbors when
aggregating feature information. The goal is to embed node feature representations
into a low-dimensional vector space through neural networks, and utilize decoders to
reconstruct the nearest neighbor statistics of nodes. Use a graph neural network to
generate probabilistic dependencies between nodes and edges of a graph. The input
to each node changes over time, and the graph spatiotemporal network captures both
the temporal and spatial dependencies of the spatiotemporal graph. The spectral
domain-based graph convolution and the spatial domain-based graph convolution
introduce convolution kernels from the perspective of graph signal processing to
define graph convolution. The feature extraction of nodes is realized by the feature
decomposition of the Laplacian matrix of the graph, and the information of adjacent
nodes in the graph is aggregated.
Spatial features in graph data have the following characteristics:
1) Node characteristics: each node has its own characteristics;
2) Structural features: Each node in the graph data has structural features, that is,
there is a certain relationship between nodes and nodes. Graph data needs to
consider both node information and structural information. Graph convolutional neural
networks can automatically learn not only node features, but also the association
information between nodes.
Suppose there is a set of graph data, which has N nodes (nodes), each node has
its own characteristics. Let the features of these nodes form an N×D-dimensional
matrix X, and then the relationship between each node will also form an N×N-
dimensional matrix A. The way it propagates from layer to layer is:
Among them, A wave=A+I, I is the unit matrix, D wave is the degree matrix of A
wave, H is the feature of each layer, and for the input layer, H is Xσ
is the nonlinear
activation function.
1 1
( 1) ( ) ( )
2 2 .
l l l
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
When testing the performance of deep learning models, the smaller the memory
occupied by the model, the faster the detection speed and the higher the accuracy,
the stronger the performance. The evaluation index is a quantitative index for the
performance of the model. One evaluation index can only reflect part of the
performance of the model. If the selected evaluation index is unreasonable, wrong
conclusions may be drawn. Therefore, different evaluation indexes should be selected
for specific data and models. For the trained model, a model evaluation coefficient is
required to measure the accuracy of the model. The mean absolute error MAE and
the coefficient of determination are widely used in the evaluation of model accuracy,
and the expressions are:
In the formula, and represent the predicted value and the true value of the
th sample respectively; represent the average value of the true value of the sample;
represent the number of samples. The smaller the value of the mean absolute error
MAE, the smaller the error of the model and the better the effect: the coefficient of
determination is a value from 0 to 1, which indicates the goodness of fit, and the
closer its value is to 1, the better the model fitting effect. the better.
In target detection, IOU is used to represent the coincidence area of the predicted
detection frame and the real frame. The larger the value, the more accurate the
algorithm positioning is. The mathematical formula is as follows:
A smart factory is a complex production system that requires the high precision,
immediacy and reproducibility of machine vision perception control technology
[29-30]. The systematic scheme of machine vision perception control in smart
factories relies on the actual production needs to design the intelligent vision imaging
system and the automatic image acquisition part in sequence. Images of objects are
collected. The second-step processing is performed on the obtained clear and high-
j j
MAE y y
( )
( )
j j
y y
y y
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
quality images. The image content is judged and classified and screened according to
the pre-set information base to complete the identification, inspection, measurement
and calculation of the detection object. The information obtained in the processing of
the image allows for appropriate optimization control.
The machine vision system performs the detection function of the measured object
based on the computer, and the functional composition of the machine vision system
is divided into three parts[31-32]. Collect images of the object under test, process and
analyze the images, and output or display the test results, respectively. The imaging
system of machine vision is mainly composed of a light source, a lens and a camera,
which is the basis for the system to perform the detection function. Therefore, the final
imaging quality of the measured object of the machine vision imaging system has a
direct impact on the detection result of the system. Due to the influence of factors
such as light intensity, surrounding environmental factors and the image acquisition
equipment itself, there must be many interference signals and noises in the images
captured by the book sorting system. These disturbances and noises make the image
mainly show the imbalance of light and dark contrast, and the noise drowns out some
important information. In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the image, the
image enhancement method is used to process the machine vision image. Due to the
high real-time nature of spatial filtering, the spatial filtering method is used to realize
the filtering processing of the collected images. The principle of spatial filtering is
shown in the following formula.
Among them, F(x, y) is the original gray value; G(x, y) is the gray value after
filtering; K is a filter kernel function used in image processing.
Morphological operations can remove image noise and also highlight the
localization of regions of minimum and maximum values in the image. Image erosion
is to find the local minimum value of the image, the main purpose is to make the area
of minimum value cover the area of other maximum value. The expansion of the
image is to find the local maximum value of the image, the main purpose is to make
the area of maximum value cover the area of minimum value. Table 1 is a comparison
of the standard deviation of pixel values of different algorithms.
Table 1 Comparison of standard deviations of pixel values in different algorithms
( , ) ( , ) ( , )
a b
G x y F x y K x a y b=
Filtering algorithm a b c d
Mean filter 49.83 49.09 48.03 48.83
Gaussian filter 49.83 47.56 47.83 48.65
Median filter 46.48 46.98 45.46 46.78
Bilateral filtering 44.41 44.58 45.48 44.32
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
The specific implementation steps are as follows:
(1) Image edge detection: First, edge detection is performed on the tilt-corrected
book image. Complete detection of image edges facilitates analysis of object
detection, localization, and recognition.
(2) Image binarization: The problem in the previous step can be solved by the
operation of image binarization. All pixels in the image are judged and screened to
complete the retention of the image part.
(3) Morphological processing: According to the obtained binarized image, the
barcode area becomes the largest rectangular area through erosion and expansion
processing. Other areas in the image background are basically removed, and the
largest area of the image can be selected.
With the continuous development of deep learning, especially the emergence of
deep neural networks based on ensemble learning. Complex network models emerge
in an endless stream, and although the prediction accuracy of the models continues to
improve, it is difficult to apply them to real-world scenarios.
The image distortion correction of the machine vision system based on the deep
network proposed in this paper is divided into two parts: the solution of the image
nonlinear distortion model and the image correction. Firstly, a large number of images
with different degrees of distortion of the machine vision system are simulated based
on MATLAB, and then the structure of the deep network is designed, and the obtained
distorted images are used as the data set to train the deep network. When correcting
the distorted images of the system, the trained deep network model can be applied to
machine vision systems with different degrees of image distortion. Solve the distortion
parameters of its image nonlinear distortion model.
In a deep network, the input feature image is convolved, pooled, and the output
feature image of each hidden layer is obtained. Each hidden neuron corresponds to a
region of its input feature map, then this region is the receptive field of the
corresponding neuron. The local receptive field of the feature image is used as the
input of the lowest layer of the deep network structure, and the information of the local
receptive field is transmitted to different layers in turn. Each layer obtains the relevant
features of the data through the convolution operation of the convolution kernel, and
integrates the global information at the high level. This mode can reduce the number
of network parameters and the calculation speed is faster. A lens in a machine vision
system consists of a set of lenses, when light enters the lens parallel to the main
optical axis. The point where all rays converge is the focal point, and the distance
between the focal point and the center of the lens is the focal length.
The conversion relationship between the image coordinate system and the pixel
coordinate system is:
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
The conversion of the image coordinate system and the camera coordinate system
The distance from the origin of the camera coordinate system to the image plane.
The above relationship is expressed as a matrix in homogeneous coordinates as:
The transformation of the camera coordinate system and the world coordinate
system is:
The generation of the data set is mainly by changing the distortion parameters in
the nonlinear model to randomly generate images with different degrees of distortion.
Therefore, using the regression function of the deep network, the distorted images in
the dataset do not need to be classified.
Based on Matlab, the program to generate the data set was programmed, and the
LABEL function was used to record the distortion parameter matrix corresponding to
the distorted image. Table 2 shows the matching time and matching degree under
different parameters.
Table 2 Matching time and matching degree under different parameters
u u
v v
= +
= +
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
x f Yc
Zc y f Zc
0 1
1 1
Xc Xw
Yc t YW
Zc Zw
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
The deep learning network structure designed in this paper consists of an input
layer, four convolutional layers, four pooling layers, two fully connected layers and an
output layer, and each convolutional layer applies a relu activation function. After this
series of layers, the output of the last pooling layer is flattened and fed into the fully
connected layer. The final output result is each distortion parameter of the image
nonlinear distortion model, which is the complete training model. Use the Flatten layer
to convert the feature image into one-dimensional features and then input them into
the fully connected layer. Deep learning is a special kind of neural network that can
remember spatial information, so flattening the feature image input to the fully
connected layer does not affect the positional relationship between the features.
Smart factory is a complex system engineering, using the results of visual
inspection and identification as well as the results of positioning and attitude
determination as a reference. Smart factories can control robots to accurately
complete very complex tasks such as positioning, picking, and classification. The
visual control rate is defined by visual error to confirm the control amount. Control the
robot to move, and then achieve the specified work tasks. The manipulator is used in
the smart factory to serve the products. During the work of the manipulator, the
manipulator may overheat (overHeat), run out of battery (batteryDie) and stop working
(breakDown). There are three levels of failures in the factory: low, medium, and high,
corresponding to the three conditions described above.
Machine vision systems are widely used in the field of industrial product quality
inspection, especially in workpiece size measurement and appearance defect
detection. By systematically measuring the size of large-scale workpieces and
inspecting workpieces for defects, the system distinguishes between good and non-
conforming products. The image distortion correction algorithm for machine vision
system based on deep network proposed in this paper is suitable for installed
machine vision systems with different degrees of image distortion. In this paper, the
Match time
msCan match
0.5 24 Yes
0.6 19 Yes
0.7 14 Yes
0.88 10 Yes
0.96 / No
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
standard template is used as the measured object of the system in the scene
demonstration of the machine vision system, and the obtained distorted template
image is input into the trained deep network model. The distortion parameters of the
system are obtained, and then the system is used to capture an image of the
workpiece to be measured, and the distortion image of the workpiece is corrected
based on MATLAB. The PTZ module is a support device specially used to install and
fix the camera, and it can also expand the scanning range of the camera.
Automatically adjust the camera's level, up and down angles on the PTZ, and only
need to adjust the mechanism to make the camera achieve the best working position
and posture. The system is used to test and identify 120 different images containing
components, and these 120 images have different tilt angles. During the test, the book
images are divided into 4 categories according to the different tilt angles, with an
average of 30 book images for each category. The collected images of books with
different inclination angles are one in the range of 0~90°, 90°~180°, 180°~270°, and
270°~360°, respectively, from left to right. Table 3 is the image recognition system
Table 3 Image recognition system testing
The sample images in the dataset need to be preprocessed, and the head poses
corresponding to the images should be marked. There are some parameters in the
network that need to be set manually. All network parameters are set as follows: the
number of iterations is 80, the total number of batch training samples is 1000, and the
learning rate
is 0.0002. Figure 1 shows the training performance of the neural
network under R2 to obtain a high coefficient of determination R2. When the number
of neurons in the hidden layer increases from 5 to 10, MAE gradually decreases and
R2 increases first, indicating that increasing the number of neurons is conducive to
improving the performance of the neural network; when the number of neurons
increases from 10 to 15 , MAE gradually increases and R2 gradually decreases,
indicating that excessively increasing the number of neurons will cause overfitting of
Angle Number of
tests Unrecognized Recognition
0~90 30 0 100% 1.43s 0.57s
90~180 30 1 96.67% 1.31s 0.62s
180~270 30 0 100% 1.60s 0.44s
270~360 30 0 100% 1.53s 0.59s
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
the neural network, thereby reducing the performance of the neural network. As
shown in Figure 1, the neural network has the best performance when the number of
neurons is 10. At this time, R2 is 0.981 and MAE is 25. Increasing the number of
hidden layers will cause errors in the neural network and increase the amount of
computation, which is not conducive to model training. Therefore, it is necessary to
select the appropriate number of neurons according to the characteristics of the
Figure 1 R2 trained with different numbers of neurons
Figure 2 MAE under training with different numbers of neurons
According to the application scenario of the factory, the data in the factory is
dynamically obtained in real time, the amount of data generated is large and most of
the data is in the normal range. For the factory inspection dataset, a total of three
inspection models are trained. The model trained by the original convolutional network
is used as the base model. First replace the convolution default regression loss
function MSE loss with the GIoU loss function. Then use the GIoU loss as the
regression loss, and the last group uses the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of training
Convolution number5
Convolution number10
Convolution number15
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of training
Convolution number5
Convolution number10
Convolution number15
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
The proposed deep network algorithm completes the bounding box regression
task. When testing the performance of the model, the mAP value when the IoU
thresholds were 0.5 and 0.75 were mainly calculated as the model evaluation index.
The model trained using the MSE loss function is used as the benchmark, although
using the GIoU function under the AP75 standard improves the model performance by
0.15%. When the IoU value is less than 0.6, the detection model based on AIoU loss
function is slightly lower than the detection accuracy based on MSE loss function.
However, when the value is greater than or equal to 0.6, its model performs better,
and from the overall trend, the model test results using the AIoU loss function are
significantly better than the other three groups. When the IoU threshold is taken as
0.75, its performance improvement is the highest, which is improved by 1.23%. The
residual structure composed of asymmetric multiple convolution kernels not only
increases the number of feature extraction layers, but also allows the asymmetric
image details to be better preserved. And it can normalize the image features, thereby
ensuring the stability of the network learning process.
Figure 3 mAP of different detection models
The deep network is an algorithm designed for image processing. The number of
input samples is in picture format, and the sample data provided in this paper is the
node data collected by the system camera. The feature data (numerical type)
extracted by the operation, so in order to meet the requirements of the convolutional
neural network framework, there will be no lack of dimension when the data enters the
operation of each convolutional layer and pooling layer. By setting the learning rates
to be 0.1, 0.01, and 001 for training, the loss of all 8 learning rates decreases rapidly
during the training process. But relative to the learning rate of 0.01 and 0.001, when
the learning rate is 0.001. The training loss decreases the fastest, that is, the learning
speed of the model is the fastest, so the training model in this experiment chooses a
learning rate equal to 0.001. Continuously collect 300s image node data to construct
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Iou Threshold
MSE loss
GIOU loss
AIOU loss
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
600 detection samples. Input the trained deep network model and compare it with the
detection results of thresholding, support vector machine, strong separator, decision
tree, k-nearest neighbor model. Its recognition accuracy reaches 99.1%, which is
much higher than other detection models. The average recognition time is 0.175s,
which is much faster than several other machine learning detection algorithms. The
detection model not only maintains a high recognition accuracy rate, but also meets
the real-time requirements of the system.
Figure 4 Training loss at different learning rates
The quality of the saliency map can be measured by the target localization
evaluation. By extracting the maximum point from the saliency map to observe
whether the point falls within the target bounding box, the extraction of the maximum
point is extended to the entire saliency map. Determine how much of the saliency map
can fall within the target bounding box. Table 4 shows that the method in this paper is
significantly better than the comparison method in the target localization performance.
The numerical results show that more than 60% of the pixels in the saliency map
obtained by the method in this paper fall within the target detection frame. It shows
that the target noise of the saliency map of the method in this paper is small, which is
consistent with the previous subjective visualization analysis results. First, the image
and the target category bounding box are binarized, where the inner region is
assigned a value of 1, and the outer region is assigned a value of 0. It is then
multiplied point-by-point with the generated saliency map and summed to get the
energy in the target bounding box. The larger the Location value, the better the
localization performance of the saliency map.
Table 4 Target positioning evaluation comparison test results
0 2 4 6 8 10
Loss value
Method Locatioin
Grad-CAM 0.45
Grad-CAM++ 0.47
Score-CAM 0.54
XGrad-CAM 0.57
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
In the traditional fault diagnosis, the production efficiency of the factory is reduced
due to the poor communication of information. It is difficult for the management of the
factory to get the fault information of the factory and make a response at the first time.
Smart factories can provide an intelligent fault detection service that supports dynamic
collection of abnormal event information, real-time transmission, and abnormal
response-level monitoring. This research proposes a deep learning algorithm, and this
research proposes a smart factory based on a deep network model, which is capable
of data mining and analysis based on a huge database, enabling the factory to have
self-learning capabilities. Based on the deep network model, the accuracy of the
model for image analysis is improved. In the research of machine vision technology,
the smart factory based on the deep network model not only maintains a high
recognition accuracy rate, but also meets the real-time requirements of the system. It
has great development prospects and determines that the deep network model has a
significant impact on smart factories. and came to the following conclusions:
(1) When the number of neurons in the hidden layer is 10, the increase of R2
indicates that increasing the number of neurons is beneficial to improve the
performance of the neural network. When the number of neurons is 15, the gradual
decrease of R2 indicates that excessively increasing the number of neurons will cause
overfitting of the neural network, thereby reducing the performance of the neural
network. Therefore, it is necessary to select the appropriate number of neurons
according to the characteristics of the model.
(2) When the IoU value is less than 0.6, the detection model based on AIoU loss
function is slightly lower than the detection accuracy based on MSE loss function.
When the value is greater than or equal to 0.6, its model performs better, and from the
overall trend, the model test results using the AIoU loss function are significantly
better than the other three groups. When the IoU threshold is taken as 0.75, its
performance improvement is the highest, which is improved by 1.23%.
(3) The deep network is an algorithm designed for image processing. The number
of input samples is in picture format, and the sample data provided in this paper is the
node data collected by the system camera. Continuously collect 300s image node
data to construct 600 detection samples. Its recognition accuracy rate of 99.1% is
much higher than other detection models, and the average recognition time is only
The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the
corresponding author upon request.
Ablation-CAM 0.52
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any
commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of
The writing process was strongly supported by other teachers.
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